Learn about the benefits of chess for childrens
Chess is one of the oldest games of mankind. It emerged in the XV century in Europe. The game is a great ally of learning and from 2017 chess lessons began to form part of Cycle International School curriculum. The benefits of chess are many being also a great ally for childrens instruction. It’s importance […]
Ballet presentation and closure of K5 mark weekend
The Cycle School together with its educational community held the closure ceremony of the K5 classes on december 9th. The event aims to commemorate the trasition from kindergarten to elementary school. Toghether with their families, students were able to celebrate this new phase in their lives. On the same day there was also the presentation […]
Extracurricular activities week is held at Cycle
Between december 4th and 8th, Cycle International School held the extracurricular activities week for the second time. During the week, the parents and guardians of the students had the opportunity to accompany the childrens in the extra lessons that are held at the school. This activity allowed those responsible to take participate in tennis, judo, […]
Know the benefits of judo for childrens
Child sedentatism has worried experts around the country, as it can bring several harms to the childrens. The sport practice during childhood contributes to the motor development of the young. At Cycle International School, further to physical education classes, students also have some sports in their extracurricular classes. Judo is the one. The japanese martial […]