Cidade da Criança is leisure option in ABC

The classic park Cidade da Criança founded in 1968, underwent to reforms and is a excellent option to leisure residents of the ABC region. Located in São Bernardo do Campo, Cidade da Criança has a new attractions for all ages. Even with the reforms for reopening, the administration has not forgot the past. Some classics […]
Do you know what a bilingual school?

The bilingual education has become a popular all in Brazil. Furthermore, this modality of teaching has some characteristics that must be taken into account for the choice of another school. Unlike a language school, the bilingual school provides immersion the second language, through plays and activities. In a publication in the bilingual education portal, biligualism […]
Know the pedagogical proposal of Cycle International School

In an increasingly globalized society speaking a second language is fundamental and can expand access to knowledge. Cycle International School is a kindergarten focused on biligualism. Your students are able to learn english in a natural and playful. In ambience of school the english language is used to enhance learning and its acquisition happens in […]
Cycle will realizes toy workshop with parents

The Cycle International School will realizes the toy workshop on September 30th. The activity pretend join the parents and guardians in the making of collective puzzles for the students of the school. The puzzles are used in Cycle to enhance the learning of childrens. A objectives of the toy workshop is to integrate the parents […]
Students are receive visit to dental surgery

The care personal hygiene is fundamental to healthy growth of childrens. The oral health was a of the themes of the visit of Liana Fattori Abati doctor, in this week here in the school. Dental surgery aswered questions asked by the students and also clarified topics related to oral health care. Furthermore the topics addressed […]
Cycle realizes toys workshop

The Cycle International School realizes a toy workshop for parents and guardians on last September 30th. In this activity the participants were able to share ideas and make a toys and games for the student of the school. The objects created during the workshop will be delivered to the student in the Childrens Day to […]
Games can help in the development of childrens

Childhood is a the most important phases of our lives, a time of discovery and a lot of fun. Playing is fundamental to child psychomotor development. Some games are now being replaced by digital games, but such a trade is not always beneficial to children. Playing in freedom did the child of familiarize of way […]
Know the six benefits of musicalization for childrens

The music is part of our daily . Ever imagined the great classics of cinema without their soundtracks? Musicalization plays a fundamental in the development of childrens in childhood, it brings closer together and also helps in literacy. In the Cycle International School the musici is part of the curriculum, classes are taught by teacher […]
Know are the benefits of math for childrens

The math is fundamental to our life. This exact science permeates everything around us. We actively use it in our daily lives. Because it so important, this matter must be taught in the right way. It’s base begins in the infantile education, where the students have the first contact with the mathematics. At Cycle School, […]
Halloween at Cycle School

Halloween is a of the most famous festivities in natives countries speaking english. The main customs of the festivities are: go out the streets to ask candies, decorate houses with “scary” decoration and make Jack O’Lantern, the famous Halloween pumpkins. Multiculturalism is part of Cycle International School that also celebrates Halloween with its educational community, […]