Elementary Classes visits the Zoo of São Paulo

The Cycle School E1/E2 classes visited the São Paulo Zoo on Wednesday (november 8th). The study of the ambience is fundamental for students to put into practice subjects taught during class. Located in the city of São Paulo, the Fundação Zoológico has 824 thousand meters of Atlantic forest, where visitors can find animals of the […]
K5 students perform action on environmental awareness

During the school year of 2017 K5 students have developed themes directly linked to the Unesco project that adresses sustainable tourism. On december 2nd, the childrens of K5 took na action on environmental awareness at ABC shopping in Santo André city. Thinking about raising awareness the peoples visiting coastal areas, the childrens went through the […]
Know the 5 benefits of bilingualism for childrens

The biligualism in the childhood can bring various benefits for childrens, the main one of which is related to pronunciation and fluency. At Cycle International School students learn the second language in a natural and playful way. Further to the benefit directly related to communication, bilingualism has several advantages for children. We prepared a list […]
Cycle School app is featured in Metro ABC newspaper

The use of smartphones and tablets can boost teaching within schools, as has been happening at Cycle School. Students use tablets as a source for research and even produce fotos and vídeos that are used in school. In the notice published by Metro ABC newspaper on may 5th, the Cycle School app was highlighted in […]
Cycle School realiza palestra sobre: “Terrible Two”

Nesta quarta-feira (21), a Cycle International School realizou uma palestra para esclarecer dúvidas sobre a fase conhecida como: terrible two ou “adolescência dos bebês”. A doutora Paula Magosso Cavaggioni foi convidada para ministrar a palestra e sanar algumas dúvidas de familiares das turmas do K2. Terrible Two é uma fase conhecida também como “adolescência do […]
Ballet presentation and closure of K5 mark weekend

The Cycle School together with its educational community held the closure ceremony of the K5 classes on december 9th. The event aims to commemorate the trasition from kindergarten to elementary school. Toghether with their families, students were able to celebrate this new phase in their lives. On the same day there was also the presentation […]
Five tips for healthy eating

The stop in the studies is necessary for the rest os the childs, in that period they can take better advantage of the time with their relatives and to spend much energy. The industrialized foods and treats are easy to costume during the tours. Parents and guardians should balance the meals of the childrens during […]
Extracurricular activities week is held at Cycle

Between december 4th and 8th, Cycle International School held the extracurricular activities week for the second time. During the week, the parents and guardians of the students had the opportunity to accompany the childrens in the extra lessons that are held at the school. This activity allowed those responsible to take participate in tennis, judo, […]
Why enroll your son or daughter at Cycle School?

Learning a second language can be considered an arduous task for some peoples. But, this is a necessary skill in an increasingly world. The Cycle International School is a kindergarten focused on bilingual education in a natural form and playful. In a enriching ambience such as Cycle School, the english language is a daily part […]
Know the benefits of judo for childrens

Child sedentatism has worried experts around the country, as it can bring several harms to the childrens. The sport practice during childhood contributes to the motor development of the young. At Cycle International School, further to physical education classes, students also have some sports in their extracurricular classes. Judo is the one. The japanese martial […]