Masp holds workshops for children in July

The school vacations come. Thinking about it, the Museu da Arte de São Paulo (MASP) has prepared workshops especially for the childs. Throughout the July the children can participate in activities linked to the exhibition: Tolouse-Lautrec in Red is on display in the museum. With 75 works by the painter the the exhibition is a […]
Cycle realize delivery of powdered milk for social action

Cycle International School held this year it’’s first campaign to collect powdered milk. The action was carried out to benefit Instituição Beneficente Amélia Rodrigues, located in the city of Santo André. Throught the month of June parents and guardians had the opportunity to contribute donations directly to the school. The collection can 79 of bucket […]
Technology helps in the literacy process

Technology is part of our daily leves. Childs already grow up in ambiences with access to tablets and smartphones, devices that they handle with incredible ease. Because of the evolution of technology, school are adapting to this new reality. For this they are bringing technology into classrooms. At Cycle International School, childrens already have digital […]
Sesc Santana prepares special programming for childrens

The month of school vacation has arrived and Sesc Santana, located in the city of São Paulo, has prepared a special program aimed at childrens from 1 to 16 years old. Under the name “Nas Férias”, the program has free admission to selected activities for childrens, ranging from theater to dance performances. The infrastructure was […]
Instituição Amélia Rodrigues thanks milk donation

During the month of June, Cycle International School carried out its first campaign to collect milk powder. The purpose of the action was to assist Instituição Beneficente Amélia Rodrigues, located on Vila Guiomar, in Santo André. The action involved the educationa community of Cycle who carried out the donation Ninho milk powder directly at the […]
Students of E2 choose books to read at home
The reading is a the best ways to exercise the imagination of the kids. Through it is possible to know different histories and realities. The stimulation of reading is essential to improve the capacity for interpretation and reasoning, furthermore being a very interesting and contructive activity. The universe of reader is present inside and outside […]
Museum of the Fire Deparment is a leisure option
Enjoy the weekend with childs is always a good request. There are many leisure options that can be enjoyed tohether with the childrens. One of them is the visit to te Museum of the Fire Department. Located in the Vila Mariana neighborhood in São Paulo, the space preserves the memory of these professionals. The Museum […]
Take questions about bilingual education in Cycle

In a increasingly world globalized speaking the second language is a differential in a job market. Parents and legal guardians may have a number of doubts when looking for a bilingual kindergarten. Learning second langauge brings a number of benefits for children, including improving memory and developing childrens vocabulary. The Cycle International School sepatated the […]
Cycle realizes family party in this weekend

Cycle International School realizes the traditional “Family Party”. The event aims to objective strenghten brotherhood between family who’re part of the school educational community. In this year the party will be held on August 19th at the São Bernardo Tênis Clube. In this edition of the party has a thematic, “Make that… What happens” that […]
Cycle direction participates in UNO International reunion

Durint the 10th and 13th of August was held the meeting of coordinators and directors that are parto f the UNO Education project. The Event Directors International was held in Santiago in the Chile, with the presence of Brazilian and Colombian schools. The maintainer of Cycle, Camila Nascimento Siqueira and coordinator of school, Marisangela Santos, […]